Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Remember Me | Repack 3.46GB

Remember Me 2013 - Excellence Repack
Free Download Game - Remember Me 2013, combine a moment with fantastic visual effect and an awesome soundtrack. You are thrown into fantastic futuristic story and Nilins combat powers, you’re introduced to the best ability of all, and also the power to remix and changes people’s memories to your own design. At begining you have to remix Olga’s memory, you’re being held at knife point and that in itself had already a sense of danger. But then you are presented with Olga’s memory and you are given free rein tochange it and shape it into a new reality that that fundamentally changes her whole psyche. It’s that power that leaves you awestruck and even though you do it several times throughout the game is still leaves me with just pure bliss and awe.

Remember Me 2013 Excellence SS 1

Remember Me 2013 Excellence SS 2

Remember Me 2013 Excellence SS 3

Remember Me 2013 Excellence SS 4

Minimum Requirments:
OS: Win XP, Vista, 7, 8
Processor:  Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4Ghz or AMD Athlon X2 - 2.8Ghz
Memory: RAM 2GB
Graphics: Nvidia GeForce 8800GTS or ATI Radeon HD 3850
Hardisk space: 9GB

Recommended Requirments:
OS: Windows 7 or Windows 8
Processor: Intel Quard Core 2.7Ghz or AMD Phenom II X4 3Ghz or higher
Memory: RAM 4GB or higher
Hardisk space: 9GB

Direct Link (600MB/link):
Click Here

How to install:
1. Extract file
2. Mount ISO with Daemon or Alcohol tools
3. Run Setup.exe
4. Play

Here screenshot for installation:
How to install 1

How to install 2

How to install 3

How to install 4

How to install 5

How to install 6
If you can't found a icon Remember Me. Follow this steps:
1. Go to your installation folder game
2. Find a Binaries folder
3. And Win32
4. scroll down, untill you find a icon Remember Me.
5. Play or you can create a shorcut to your desktop.

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