Sunday, January 26, 2014

How To Create a Local Profile With Game for Windows Live with picture

How To Create a Local Profile With Game for Windows Live
How To Create a Local Profile - Today i will post a tutorial about how to Create a Local Profile with GFWL (Game for Windows Live). As you know, every games need to be save everytime we play, so we can play it again without had to start from the begining. But some games with crack cannot save your data. If you have a questions or find a problems. please tell me and i try to help.

So here is the tutorial how to create a Local Profile with GFWL.

1. Press "HOME" key on keyboard to bring the Gamefor Windows Live on game screen.

2. Then, press No, don't participate and press done.

3. and create new profile.

4. After that you will bring to next screen, but don't click continue, scroll down untill you see "create a local profile" (see picture below).

5. Next, enter you profile name, then click submit

6. You will see that your profile name successfully created, then click done. And wait to load your profile and downloading content.

7. As you can see on picture below. Now you can save your game without worry about losing you data.

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